The Guidelines for the Manuscript Body Text

  1. We accept articles with the following types:
  • Research Paper
  • Literature Review
  • Case Study
  • Book Review
  1. General Guideline
  • Article has never been published before
  • Results-based research is prioritized for publication
  • The article consists of 10-15 pages without references and it must be written in A4 paper, Geramond 12, Space 1.15, Margin of 3 for top, bottom, left and right sides.
  • The article has no typos
  • The article has plagiarism
  • The articles are written in the form of essays in which it has no dot points and numbering
  • It does not use footnote or endnote, but running note (surname, year of publication)
  1. Title
  • The title is written in the language; namely Indonesian or English
  • Titles in Indonesian or English must not exceed 14 words
  • The title must state the research results
  • There should be no subtitles
  • Title written in Geramond 14, Bold, Left Aligned
  • The title is written with the first letter in capital letters
  1. Name of Author and Institution of Author
  • The author’s name is completely written without academic title or indication of position and stratification
  • The name of institution is completely written
  • Correspondence must include email
  1. 5. Abstract
  • Abstract is written in dual languages, those are Bahasa Indonesia and English
  • Abstracts must be written in a maximum of 250 words in Indonesian and English
  • Abstract must be written in one paragraph only encompassing background, purpose of the study, methods, results and conclusion
  1. Keyword
  • Keyword must be written in dual languages, those are in Bahasa Indonesia and English
  • There must be at least three keywords in the abstract
  1. Introduction
  • Introduction consists of background, purpose of the study and research urgency
  • Statement of the problem and/or hypothesis must not be written in the form of subheading but research question which is integrated in paragraph, part of the introduction.
  1. Methods
  • Practical methods
  • It consists of research type/approach, location, population and sample, sampling drawing techniques, data collection techniques and data analysis techniques.
  1. Results of the study
  • All tables, graphics and figures are thoroughly discussed, placed in the centre and appropriate interpretation are highly desirable (description is not repetitive from tables, graphics and figures)
  • Tables use three horizontal lines
  • Tables and graphics are made in the format of MS Word/Excel
  • Every table consists of table number and table title written above the table
  • Every graphic/picture consist of graphic/picture number and title written below the graphic/picture
  1. Conclusion
  • Conclusion does not repeat what has been discussed in results section
  • Contains research findings. It should answer research goals and give applicative recommendations. Moreover, it must be written in a paragraph without numbering
  1. References
  • References written must be cited in writing and vice versa
  • Book citation is at least from last 10-years publication, whereas, for journals, it is at least from last 5-year publication.
  • Follows the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition 
  • References consist of primary sources (scientific journals, research report or conference proceeding and the least number is 80% from all the references.
  • Each article should has at least ten references
  1. Authorship
  • Filling in the statement form of responsibility upon all content of the article
  • Signing the statement that the article is not being proposed to another journal and it will not be submitted to another journal during the editing and reviewing.
  • Signing the statement of plagiarism free
  • Editorial staff has the right to edit the article without changing the content and the main idea of the author.